Butterfly Vocabulary

Abdomen  The abdomen is contains the reproductive organs, the digestive and excretory functions. It is the last of three sections of a butterfly’s body.
Antenna (singular)
Antennae (plural)
These appendages are located on the top of the head and provide the sense of smell.  They are chemical receptors that allow the butterfly to find food, a mate and host plants.  They also help the butterfly with balance.
Caterpillar This is the second stage in the life cycle of a butterfly.  Also known as the larva.
Chrysalis (singular)
Chrysalises (plural)
This is the third stage in the life cycle of a butterfly.  Also known as the pupa.  This is where the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.
Compound Eye Sensors found on the butterfly’s head. Thousands of tiny lenses help the butterfly see in all directions and recognize color, pattern and movement.
Cremaster A hook-like appendage that allows the caterpillar to attach itself to the silk pad for pupation.
Eclose The process where the butterfly emerges (ecloses) from the pupal stage.
Exoskeleton An external structure made of chitin that protects the insect's internal organs.
Fore Wings The front pair of wings on a butterfly or moth.
Frass The (poop) waste of a caterpillar.
Head The first section of an insects body.  Contains the eyes, antennae and food intake parts..
Hemolymph A yellowish colored substance that is similar to blood.
Hind Wings The rear pair of wings on a butterfly or moth.
Instar The stages between the time a caterpillar molts (sheds it's skin).





This is the second stage in the life cycle of a butterfly.  Also known as the caterpillar.
Lepidoptera The "order" that includes both butterflies and moths.
Mandible The jaws of a caterpillar used for eating.
Metamorphosis The process of developmental changing from one thing into another, often marked by body changes.
Migrate To travel from one place to another, usually seasonally.
Molting The shedding of the outer skin.  Most Butterfly larvae molt five times during their larval stage.
Ocelli The name for the three sets of eyes that a caterpillar has. The caterpillar’s vision is poor even with all those eyes!
Oviposit Depositing of eggs by the female, usually on the host plant.
Pheromone A chemical scent emitted by some males to attract females. for mating.
Proboscis A straw-like tube located on the under side of the butterfly's head which is used for feeding.  When not in use, it is rolled up under the head.
Prolegs The five set of leg-like appendages located behind the caterpillar's three set of legs.  These are located on the abdomen of the caterpillar.
Puddling Butterflies gather, or puddle, at damp spots. They are getting sodium, an essential part of their diet.





This is the third stage in the life cycle of a butterfly.  Also known as a the chrysalis.  This is where the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.


The final time that the larva sheds its skin when becoming a pupa.


An organ located on the head of the caterpillar used to spin silk safety threads and the silk pad used for pupation.


Openings located on the sides of insects used for breathing.  These are holes through the skin of the insects.


This is the middle section of an insect's body.  The legs and wings are attached to the thorax.