Gift Shop
Mini Popup Caterpillar cube
MPU Mini Pop-Up $7.00* CCC    12" Cube Caterpillar Castle  $12.00*
Caterpillar Castle Large Caterpillar Castle Jumbo
CC13    13" x 13" x 24" Caterpillar Castle  $16.00* CCJ    24" x 24" x 36" Caterpillar Castle  $32.00*

CCR 13" x 17" Round
Castle $11.00*

CCRS 11" x 14" Round
Castle $10.00*

Caterpillar Kits 

4 Painted Lady Caterpillars and Diet.

 $10.00 each 

Add a Mini Popup or Castle to hatch your chrysalis in safety.

Wedding Release container
Wedding Release Cage  $15.00*



Children's Butterfly Wings  
Children's Butterfly Wings  $5.00* each
Children's Rainbow Butterfly Wings  $6
.00* each
* Add PA tax if shipping inside PA.